Following testing at Coffs Cardiology, and in consultation with your Cardiologist, you may be referred on for a cardiac procedure that involves hospitalisation and/or surgery.

Coronary Angiography

This test is performed to detect the presence of coronary artery disease and is performed when your Cardiologist feels there may be significant narrowing within your coronary arteries that needs to be treated. This procedure is also usually performed prior to any cardiac surgery.

Coronary angiography is sometimes called cardiac catheterisation and is performed in the Angiography Unit at the Coffs Harbour Health Campus under local anaesthetic as a day procedure.

A coronary angiogram is a dye test where tubes (catheters) are fed through the vascular system usually from the groin. A liquid contrast (x-ray dye) is then injected through the catheters into the heart arteries and x-ray video pictures are taken. These images show if any of the coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked by plaque (fatty) deposits. At the same time, the pumping chamber and valves on the left side of the heart are examined for any abnormalities.

The procedure usually takes 30 minutes, but sometimes may take longer. You will be unable to drive for 24 hours so you will need to arrange transport to and from the hospital. You should attend all recommended follow up appointments with your GP and Cardiologist.

The Angiography Unit at the Coffs Harbour Health Campus can be contacted on 02 66565400.

Coronary stents

A stent is a small, tube-shaped piece of mesh, that is capable of holding an artery open.

The procedure to put a stent in place is similar to that for coronary angiography and is performed in the Angiography Unit at the Coffs Harbour Health Campus under local anaesthetic as a day procedure.

After the blockage in the artery has been opened with a balloon, a second balloon and a small crimped stent is positioned at the location of the blockage and then the stent is released. Upon release the stent expands and stays in the artery. The healing that occurs in the first four to six months will cover the stent, which then has become part of the artery wall.

Other surgical interventions

Your particular heart condition may require a different form of intervention not currently offered by Coffs Cardiology. Your cardiologist will discuss this with you and refer you on to the appropriate specialist.

We have a close association with cardiothoracic surgeons from Prince of Wales Hospital and St Vincent’s Hospital as well as Paediatric Cardiologist from Prince of Wales Hospital and Electrophysiologists from John Hunter Hospital and St Vincent’s Hospital.

Some of the procedures you may be referred on for include electrophysiology study (EPS), valve replacement, coronary artery bypass grafting or implantation of a permanent pacemaker or implantable cardio-defibrillator.